C-06.查理和罗拉 Charlie and Lora- 全3季78集 + 番外19集 / 网盘打包下载

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查理和罗拉 Charlie and Lola 简介
动画片《查理和罗拉Charlie and Lola》改编自罗伦·柴尔德(Lauren Child)的得奖同名图画册,荣获法国国际电影节[最佳学前动画节目]大奖,英国动画奖[最佳学前系列]及[儿童的选择]提名,是一部清新活泼的动画片。
查理和罗拉 Charlie and Lola 剧情



英文版查理和罗拉 Charlie and Lola 第一季 剧集
Charlie and Lola S01E01 But That is My Book.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E02 I Can Do Anything That's Everything All on my Own.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E03 We Do Promise Honestly We Can Look After Your Dog.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E04 There's Only One Sun and That is Me.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E05 I Like My Hair Completely The Way It Is.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E06 I've Won, No I've Won, No I've Won.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E07 I am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E08 I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E09 I'm Really Ever So Not Well.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E10 I am Hurrying I'm Almost Nearly Ready!.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E11 BOO! Made You Jump!.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E12 The Most Wonderfullest Picnic in the Whole Wide World.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E13 It Wasn't Me!.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E14 It's a Secret.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E15 I Do Not Ever, Never Want My Wobbly Tooth to Fall Out.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E16 Say Cheese.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E17 I'm Just Not Keen on Spiders.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E18 You Won't Like This Present as Much as I Do!.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E19 I Must Take Completely Everything.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E20 I Want to Play Music Too.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E21 I Want to Be Much More Bigger Like You.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E22 I Love Going to Granny and Grandpa's And It's Just That.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E23 Snow is My Favorite and My Best.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E24 I'm Far Too Extremely Busy.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E25 But I Am an Alligator.mp4
Charlie and Lola S01E26 My Little Town.mp4

英文版查理和罗拉 Charlie and Lola 第二季 剧集
Charlie and Lola S02E01 It is Absolutely Completely Not Messy.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E02 I Spy with My Little Eyes.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E03 I am Extremely Magic.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E04 How Many More Minutes.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E05 This is Actually My Party.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E06 I am Collecting a Collection.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E07 Lucky, Lucky Me.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E08 I Just Love My Red Shiny Shoes.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E09 My Best Best Bestest Friend.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E10 I Really Wonder What Plant I'm Growing.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E11 Charlie is Broken!.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E12 I Will Be Especially, Very Careful.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E13 Yes I Am No You're Not.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E14 I am Really, Really Concentrating.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E15 Please May I Have Some of Yours.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E16 Can You Maybe Turn the Light On.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E17 What if I Get Lost in the Middle of Nowhere.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E18 Welcome to Lolaland.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E19 Will You Please Stop Messing About.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E20 I Completely Know About Guinea Pigs.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E21 I Will Not Ever Never Forget You, Nibbles.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E22 Never Ever Never Step on the Cracks.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E23 Look After Your Planet.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E24 Too Many Big Words.mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E25 You Can Be My Friend .mp4
Charlie and Lola S02E26 I Wish I Could Draw Exactly More Like You.mp4

英文版查理和罗拉 Charlie and Lola 第三季 剧集
Charlie and Lola S03E01 I Really Absolutely Must Have Glasses.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E02 Thunder Completely Does Not Scare Me.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E03 I Slightly Want to Go Home.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E04 I Am Extremely Absolutely Boiling.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E05 I Can Train Your Dog.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E06 Do Not Ever Never Let Go.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E07 Our Shop Sells Everything.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E08 I Am Inventing a Usefullish Invention.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E09 But We Always Do It Like This.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E10 I Can't Stop Hiccupping!.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E11 I Am Completely Hearing and Also Listening.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E12 But I Don't Really Like This Present.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E13 I Can Dance Like a Dancer.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E14 Help I Really Mean It.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E15 I Would Actually Like to Keep It.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E16 It's Raining, It's Boring.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E17 I am Goody the Good.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E18 What Can I Wear for Halloween.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E19 But Marv is Absolutely Charlie's Best Friend.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E20 I Am Making a Craze.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E21 But Where Completely Are We.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E22 I Really, Really Need Actual Ice Skates.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E23 I Am Going to Save a Panda.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E24 I've Got Nobody to Play With.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E25 It is Very Special and Extremely Ancient.mp4
Charlie and Lola S03E26 I Wish I Could Do That And Also That Too.mp4

英文版查理和罗拉 Charlie and Lola 特别收藏 剧集
Charlie and Lola SP01 How Many More Minutes Until Christmas.mp4
Charlie and Lola SP02 Everything Is Different and Not the Same.mp4
Charlie and Lola Outtakes01 Alien.mp4
Charlie and Lola Outtakes02 Charlie.mp4
Charlie and Lola Outtakes03 Charlie2.mp4
Charlie and Lola Outtakes04 Lauren Child.mp4
Charlie and Lola Outtakes05 Lola.mp4
Charlie and Lola Outtakes06 Lola2.mp4
Charlie and Lola Outtakes07 Lola3.mp4
Charlie and Lola Outtakes08 Lola4.mp4
Charlie and Lola Outtakes09 Lotta.mp4
Charlie and Lola Outtakes10 Lotta2.mp4
Charlie and Lola Outtakes11 Marv.mp4
Charlie and Lola Outtakes12 Marv2.mp4
Charlie and Lola Outtakes13 Morton.mp4
Charlie and Lola Outtakes14 Pixie.mp4
Charlie and Lola Music01 Bat Cat.mp4
Charlie and Lola Music02 Bestest in the Barn.mp4
Charlie and Lola Music03 Dogs Pyjamas.mp4

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